
How can giving your employees flexible working can increase productivity and engagement?

Did you know that offering flexible working is the top attractor for the top talent? In 2019, skilled workers are high in demand and hard to place. This is due to the demand for better working conditions and benefits in the workplace. Office’s such as WeWork, Amazon, Google and Facebook have upped our expectations of what we want from working life.

Attracting innovative and fresh talent, between the ages of 18-25, most of them will take up a job because the benefits are too good. As business culture looks to the future, we all hope for a decrease in the Gender Pay Gap and further Equal Opportunities in the workplace. Benefits such as the following can increase productivity, retention rates and engagement;

– Unlimited tea & coffee
– Breakfast supplies
– Additional holidays
– Private health care and plans
– Gym memberships discounts
– Team nights out
– Shortened working hours in summer
– Child care
– Flexible working
– Free alcoholic drinks on a Friday


It is estimated that on average a person will spend 1/3 of their life at work. So, it is safe to say that a job has a huge impact of an individual’s quality of life. This means employees can take control of their own work schedule and environment.

The benefits for the employee;

– Flexibility to meet personal and family needs
– Reduce commuting time and travel costs
– Work the hours that best suit you
– Reduction in childcare costs, depending on hours worked
– Find enjoyment in work-life

Benefits for employers;
– Increased employee morale, engagement and productivity
– Reduced absenteeism
– Increased retention rates
– Reduced travel expenses for the company

If you want to retain happy and productive employees, it’s time to start thinking outside of the box surrounding employee benefits and working hours. Flexible working challenges the stereotypical layout to work-life being 9-5 in a simplistic office building, so to create something different from normality will set your organisation one step ahead from the rest.

If you require any help engaging your workforce, make sure you contact us on 0844 847 5121 to get more information about Biopanel Systems.

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How can giving your employees flexible working can increase productivity and engagement?

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