89% of managers believe employees leave for more money. However, only 12% actually do. Therefore, there must be a number of reasons as to why employees don’t want to stay. Unhappiness, not engaged, lack of appreciation or tedious work? Ask yourself the key questions; do my employees enjoy work? Do I thank them enough? Do you frequently have fun in the office?
DOGS! This is our objective answer. However, the statistics have proven that pets in the office can improve employee engagement, as 80% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces said having a pet nearby makes them feel ‘happy, relaxed and more sociable’. But, besides having fury four legged friends around the office, there are many ways to engage and retain employees.
5 ways;
1. Animals, obviously!
Like we said, pets are a positive enforcement on your workforce to ensure employee engagement and communication is high. They are proven to reduce stress, start conversation and generally make employees happier. This is the reason dogs are used as therapy dogs, to help people de-stress during exam periods etc. The statistics say it all. Maybe start off with doggy day care Monday’s?
2. Unlimited Coffee
The simple things make a big difference. Coffee is overpriced nowadays we all know that, so offering free coffee is important to employees. Coffee (in controlled amounts) can help employees to stay focused and increase overall productivity.
3. Regular Feedback
Appraisals and feedback are an important part of employee engagement as it allows them to understand that their job is appreciated and what is seen to be going well from a manager’s perspective. However, feedback is not a one way street, you should allow feedback from employees about how they view the running of the business and any ideas they have. If you have created a good enough relationship with employees, they should feel comfortable to approach subjects like this. Be cautious of how much you thank or congratulate because 79% of employees leave their job due to lack of appreciation in the workplace.
4. Socials
Get out and have fun! Make sure you provide a work life balance for employees. Planning nights out or trips away, can increase communication in social environments and people may discover new working relationships. This is more than just getting along with your co-worker, it’s the ability to have a connection with them, as many employees feel lonely in the workplace. Full-time employees spend most of their time in the office, so it’s important for them to enjoy work and make friends, as these relationships can positively affect stress levels, productivity and general feelings of happiness. This is one of the key intrinsic motivators for employees in the workplace.
5. Incentivise with Gamification
Gamification is a popular way to motivate employees in the 21st century. The gratification people attain when they win something or achieve something over others, increases their motivation to complete a task/job. This is an extrinsic motivator, as it is incentivised by money or achievement. The use of gamification in the office can be used in any industry, for example; you could ask warehouse employees who can recite all the health and safety rules in order to win an extra 2 days holiday or voucher. This engages the workforce and allows for some fun.
We hope this has been helpful for you!
With the ability to implement direct engagement utilising Biopanel across the remaining workforce within 20 minutes of notification of the issue, key data was gathered surrounding the reasons for the spike in attrition. The data gathered revealed concerns amongst the incumbent workforce surrounding rates of pay.
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