39% of employees state their workplace does not provide any form of mental health support. Here is how to change that in 3 easy steps.
1. Be Open
Make conversations about mental health and personal life normal in the workplace. Eliminate the stereotype that mental health is a taboo. Encourage workplace relationships so employees feel comfortable talking about issues and problems home related or work related.
2. Have options/support available
This could mean providing help lines or just simply making sure your employees know there is one specific person in the workplace they can go to when they need support.Or you can create mental health support plans for the business.
3. Reasonable adjustments
Create a good work-life balance for all employees. Offer flexible working, allow them to work from home some days, provide child care and grant early finish Fridays as a reward for hard work during the week. Flexible working hours can ensure someone with anxiety doesn’t have to travel at rush hour, having a quiet area of the office for people who prefer to work in a calmer environment and letting people take short breaks during the day if they feel overwhelmed. Make sure employees feel comfortable and relaxed about taking annual leave.
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