
10 Employee Engagement Statistics you NEED to know

If an employee is not engaged they are not productive. This can stem from a number of different employee related issues such as; little to no work-life balance, poor relationships at work, an employee not feeling appreciated and many other things. Issues alike these can lead to problems with retention of employees and a significant decrease in revenue or sales for the business as a result of an employee being disengaged within their work.
Here are some statistics that you NEED to know as an employer.

Employee feedback infographic


Productivity infographic

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Thank employees more

If you need help with employee engagement, check out our blog on how to improve communication and Employee Engagement.

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An increase in attrition at a National logistics client concerned management greatly.

With the ability to implement direct engagement utilising Biopanel across the remaining workforce within 20 minutes of notification of the issue, key data was gathered surrounding the reasons for the spike in attrition. The data gathered revealed concerns amongst the incumbent workforce surrounding rates of pay.

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How can giving your employees flexible working can increase productivity and engagement?

Did you know that offering flexible working is the top attractor for the top talent? In 2019, skilled workers are high in demand and hard to place. This is due to the demand for better working conditions and benefits in the workplace. Office’s such as WeWork, Amazon, Google and Facebook have upped our expectations of what we want from working life.

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